World’s Future At Stake In Congress
Our Children's Future Is On The Menu In Congress - How much of the world’s oil needs to stay in the ground? | Fossil fuels | The Guardian
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Scientists:
90% of coal and 60% of oil and gas reserves must stay in the ground, for a 50/50 chance of keeping global heating below 1.5 C
- Chapter two, page 108 of the 5th SR 1.5 IPCC report.
COP26 coalition worth $130 trillion vows to put climate at heart of finance
GLASGOW, Nov 3 (Reuters) - Banks, insurers and investors with $130 trillion at their disposal have pledged to put combating climate change at the centre of their work, and gained support in the form of efforts to put green investing on a firmer footing. At least 19 countries are expected to commit to ending public financing for fossil fuel projects abroad by the end of 2022. Financial institutions accounting for around 40% of the world's capital committed to assuming a "fair share" of the effort to wean the world off fossil fuels.
A main aim of the COP26 talks is to secure enough national promises to cut greenhouse gas emissions - mostly from coal, oil and gas - to keep the rise in the average global temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius. U.N. climate envoy and Former Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, who assembled the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ), said the finance industry must find ways to raise private money to take the effort far beyond what states alone can do.
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Wind, solar, hydropower, and geothermal can power the world, Mark Z. Jacobson and Stanford research team have shown. Such a future would need 42.5 percent less energy globally, due to the greater efficiency of renewable sources. This creates a global increase of 24.3 million jobs, an annual decrease of 7 million deaths from air pollution annually, savings of more than $50 trillion in health and climate costs per year, and avoid 1.5 degrees Celsius of global warming.
The immense power of fossil fuels has transformed our modern world in vast and amazing ways. There is virtually no end to the hundreds of millions of years supply remaining to be tapped, in such lucrative new frontiers as under the melting polar icecaps, glacial territories of Greenland, and Alaska's pristine Arctic National Wildife preserve.
Other than devastating these pristine environments with mass extinctions of native people and wildlife, what could go wrong? Soaring levels of greenhouse gases are at an all-time high, with the skyrocketing temperatures that go with them. We are accelerating into a dystopian future at breakneck speed. Even as more people are beginning to understand how these events relate to our warming planet, few comprehend just how dire the crisis could become, or how quickly it is escalating.
China’s newest megacity will run entirely on renewable energy
In any other country, the idea of creating a new city four times the size of Manhattan powered entirely by renewable energy might sound far-fetched. But this is China, where extraordinary projects are becoming almost the norm. Speaking at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting of New Champions in Dalian this week, Shu Yinbiao, Chairman of the State Grid Corporation of China, confirmed the plans for China’s latest mega city, Xiongan New Area, to run exclusively on energy from green sources. Announced in April, the Chinese government has billed Xiongan as a smart city and a tech hub. Expected to cover 2,000 square kilometres in the future, it will redevelop an area in Hebei, close to Beijing.
Lytton, British Columbia reached 116 degrees Fahrenheit (46.1C) in June, setting an all-time heat record for all of Canada. Officially this one time, 1,000 year all-time record was broken the following day, as the temperature hit 118 degrees on June 28. This all-time record was again smashed when it reached a suffocating, incendiary 121 degrees (49.5C) on June 29. From killer heat waves to floods, climate change worsened weather extremes in 2021 | Science and technology |
As computer models have consistently forecast seemingly unbelievable numbers, meteorologists struggled to grasp how a heat wave of this magnitude could even be possible, given this region has never experienced anything of this magnitude before. Were the models wrong? Or, given climate change, should we now expect the unexpected — is this now just becoming routine? Pacific Northwest bakes under once-in-a-millennium heat dome - CBS News
A total of 569 deaths in British Columbia were found due to the life-threatening heat wave. In Portland, Oregon, 456 deaths took place due to the unsurvivable conditions for people trapped without access to air conditioning in the normally cool northwest.
Record heat waves ignite as tempers flare out of control! - Portland's Record-Setting Year for Murder Fuels Search for Answers
Earth's Early Warning System Has Been Cut Off, Leaving Nations and People Unprepared for Sudden Catastrophic Weather Events
Drought represents a globally relevant natural disaster linked to adverse health. Agricultural communities are particularly susceptible to drought, causing greater occupational stress to farmers greater than those attributed to other factors. Increased job stress from drought brought on 4x greater incidence of pain in multiple body parts.
An early summer heatwave across the western United States broke all-time records in multiple states, with temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit for days on end. This event marked yet another climate extreme for residents of a region already suffering through a devastating drought and with last year’s horrific wildfire season records again surpassed as raging wildfires roared across California, Arizona, Colorado, Utah and Montana. Wiping out entire towns; water supplies - burning down others.
Pacific Northwest Omega Heat Dome - Pacific Northwest bakes under once-in-a-millennium heat dome - CBS News
The dome of hot air over the western United States caused temperatures to skyrocket to all-time maximum temperature records fell at locations in seven different states (CA, AZ, NM, UT, CO, WY, MT). In Phoenix, Arizona, the high temperature was over 115 degrees for a record-setting six consecutive days, topping out at 118 degrees. Not to be outdone, Tucson, Arizona, set record highs on six consecutive days. The hottest temperature anywhere in the country in Death Valley hit 128 degrees. Farther than the Southwest. Salt Lake City, Utah, tied its all-time record of 107 degrees. Billings, Montana tied its all-time high of 108 degrees.
Extreme heat waves & wildfires ravaged the region stuck in a deep drought. Over 20% of the country is in the worst two categories of drought (D3-4: Extreme and Exceptional), with the vast majority of that land hitting record-setting temperatures.
The Biden administration’s current predicament demonstrates what’s at stake: The ambition of enacting comprehensive climate action has been waylaid by two centrist senators. One of them, West Virginia Democrat Manchin, owns millions of dollars in coal industry stock and has received more donations from fossil fuel and energy companies so far this election cycle than any other senator.
Manchin has demanded a reduction in the size of the budget bill, from $3.5 trillion to $1.5 trillion. He specifically opposed the proposed Clean Electricity Performance Program, a $150 billion package designed to transition America to 50 percent renewable energy by 2030, and 100 percent by 2050.
IPCC scientists call for 100 renewable energy by 2040 across the world, in order to have a 50 / 50 chance of a future livable world. In effect this means we have about 10 years to achieve the 100 percent transition. The Climate Emergency has been calling for this for the past 10 years already. Their TCM Victory Plan shows how it can be achieved, to leave future generations a livable world with far greater certainty! The TCM Victory Plan complements the other highly compatible plans that have been compiled, including Mission 2020 and Project Drawdown.
Senator Manchin At COP 26 Climate Conference In Scotland
Sen. Joe Manchin’s role in overhauling the Build Back Better spending bill has sparked national interest in reining in Congressional conflicts of interest. The question is whether anything meaningful might come of it. Youth climate activists asked Senator Joe Manchin at the COP 26 Climate Change Conference in Scotland multiple times, surrounding him as he slowly tried to drive his Maserati through the crowd. Demanding to know whether their futures were worth the profits he is making, and chanting “We want to live!” Five young people leading the activists earlier this week ended a two-week hunger strike, demanding real action on the climate crisis from Washington. Headlines for Democracy Now! | November 05, 2021
It is nearling a century since the New Deal raised the living standard for Americans and now the Biden Infrastructure bill has passed with even some Republican bipartisan support.
For roads and bridges – Rail – Broadband -
+ Child Tax Credits - Covid Relief - Eviction & Foreclosure Moratoriums -
COP Climate youth protestors and supporters living around the world where catastrophes have injured, killed, baked, burned, swept away, drowned, their loved ones cries like families of those killed in rapper Scott concert. Everyone on the planet - except fossil fuel industry and their congressional beneficiaries are now calling for immediate, swift, decisive climate action to meet the magnitude of the rising deadly costly tragedies sweeping the globe on a daily basis. That will continue to increase in frequency and intensity until concerted action measures across the globe are implemented. Headlines for November 08, 2021 | Democracy Now!
Congress competing with each other to see who can shovel more money at military since late 1970s
Cutting urgent social needs spending for student debt…
Where did ISISX in Afghanistan come from all of a sudden?
Famine, economic collapse, a sun that cooks us: What climate change could wreak — sooner than we think.
The slowness of climate change is a fairy tale, bundled in an anthology of delusions: that global warming is an Arctic saga, unfolding along sea level and coastlines, that it is a crisis of the “natural” world, not an enveloping crisis sparing no place and leaving no life intact, and that our human encampments lie beyond nature's reach, not inescapably overwhelmed by it; that wealth is a shield against the ravages of warming; that the burning of fossil fuels is the established permanent changeless vehicle price of continued economic growth; that the technology it produces, will allow us to engineer our way out of environmental disaster; that there is historic precedent to the scale of this threat, to give us confidence in staring it down. None of this is true. No I don't think Hank done it this away . .
On Passing the Historic $1T Infrastructure & $3.5T Build Back Better / Climate Bills
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports the increasingly urgent threats of global climate change require an immediate, massively accelerated and expanded transition from the outdated fossil fuel utilities, to state of the art renewable energy infrastructure, using the world's most abundant energy resources - solar, wind, geothermal, and energy efficiency - now the established as the lowest most cost-effective power technologies. Coal and oil power costs continue to rise, forcing the shut down of the aging plants, that are no longer affordable profitable to operate.
Solar Power Potential - Compared To Fossil Fuel, Nuclear, and Renewable Energy Reserves (Trillion Watt‐Years).
Total global reserves are shown for the finite resources. Yearly potential is shown for the renewables (source: Perez & Perez, 2009a)
Solar Power Generation in the US: Too expensive, or a bargain?